Pinstriped purse
Pinstriped purse

pinstriped purse pinstriped purse

The tissue tears away from the zigzag with great lack of success.

pinstriped purse

I squinch it down, I pin as best I can, I zigzag, I trim. The stiffness of the vinyl makes this difficult. I need to take the two raw edges of this flap, move one edge 1/4″ down in the center, and do a zigzag stitch to keep in in place. Here is where I have to do the first of the “Huh?” maneuvers. And this bad one will eventually have a big, industrial snap going over it, so noone will even notice. The crooked stitch isn’t good, but I’ll do better on the next one. When I’m done with all of the sewing, I’ll run it under some water if I have to. And, when I pull away the tissue, a Large Quantity remains caught under the thread. I try my best to stitch down the flap edges by feel. And voila, no more sticking.Įxcept, now I can’t see what I’m doing. I don’t have “spare” pattern tissue, but I do have plain ol’ white gift-wrapping tissue. Not only to the needle plate, but also to the presser foot. Then it’s time to turn out the flap, and stitch down the edges… stick. As long as I’m sewing right-sides-together, everything is fine. Woo, go Mom, with the handy hints!Īnd, as I begin sewing, I keep that tidbit in mind. You can tear it out when you’re finished. If that happens, you put a scrap of pattern tissue in between, and sew through it. That’s good, but you should know that the vinyl may stick to your needle plate. But it’s okay, I switched to a heavy-duty needle. Have you ever sewn this kind of fabric before? I was having a bit of trouble with the printed directions, but my mom deciphered at least the first hurdle. When last we spoke, dear readers, I was engaged in an apparently ambitious plan to sew a clutch out of wonderful Zodiac glitter vinyl.

Pinstriped purse